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Periodontal scaling and root planing are essential procedures for the long-term health of your teeth and gums. When performed correctly, it can help prevent gum disease and tooth decay and reduce the risk of complications such as tooth loss.

This comprehensive guide will provide a detailed overview of the procedure, its benefits, risks, and tips on preparing and recovering.

With this information, you can make an informed decision about whether or not this preventive dental care is right for you.

What are Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing?

Periodontal scaling and root planing (also called periodontal debridement) is a preventative dental procedure performed to remove plaque, calculus (hardened plaque), and other harmful substances from your teeth and gums.

This is essential to maintaining good oral health since these substances can lead to gum disease and tooth decay over time. While regular brushing and flossing will go a long way towards preventing these issues, scaling and root planing are essential supplements.

Because it is minimally invasive, it is often performed as a maintenance procedure to help prevent the disease from occurring or returning.

Benefits of Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing

Periodontal scaling and root planing can help prevent long-term issues with your teeth and gums, including:

Tooth decay

Bacteria from plaque can enter your teeth and cause tooth decay. This is especially problematic near the roots of your teeth, which are close to your gums. When these areas are not treated, they can lead to cavities or, worse, tooth loss.

Gum disease

Above ground, gum disease is commonly referred to as a periodontal disease. This is caused by plaque building up along the gum line and hardening into tartar. If left untreated, plaque and tartar can cause periodontal disease, leading to the loss of teeth.

Other health conditions

Periodontal disease has also been linked to certain other health conditions, including diabetes and heart disease.

Tooth loss

If left untreated, plaque and tartar can cause gums to recede into your teeth. In some cases, this can be so severe that gum disease causes your teeth to loosen and fall out.

Negative effects on your general health and well-being

In addition to the above health conditions, periodontal disease has also been linked to an increased risk of depression.

How Is Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing Performed?

A dental hygienist typically performs periodontal scaling and root planing in-office procedures. First, your dentist will review your oral health and any special considerations.

Next, they will numb your gums, so you do not feel any pain during the procedure. Finally, your dental hygienist will use special tools to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums. This includes scraping your teeth and gums and using ultrasonic tools.

When complete, your dental hygienist will apply a topical antibacterial solution to your teeth and gums to finish the procedure. The time the scaling and root planing procedure takes varies from person to person.

During this time, you may feel some discomfort. Let your dental hygienist know if it becomes too much, so they can adjust their technique or perform the procedure more slowly.

What Are the Potential Risks and Complications?

The scaling and root planing procedure is generally safe, with few complications. The most common risks are:


There is a chance that your gums will become swollen after the procedure. If this happens, it will usually subside within a few hours.


Scaling and root planing can cause some mild pain and discomfort. This will subside within a few hours.

How to Prepare for Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing

To prepare for your scaling and root planing procedure, it is essential to follow your dentist’s instructions for home care, including:

Avoiding tobacco and alcohol

These substances can cause gum disease to progress more quickly and make your gums more sensitive.

Flossing daily

This removes plaque from areas that your toothbrush cannot reach.

Brushing three times daily

This removes plaque from the surface of your teeth, where it forms first.

Receiving regular dental cleanings

A dental cleaning removes plaque that the above home care techniques cannot remove.

What Are the Aftercare Instructions?

After your scaling and root planing procedure, your dentist or dental hygienist may apply a special bandage to your teeth and gums to help prevent infection and promote healing. You may also be given other instructions, including:

Avoiding strenuous activities

You should take it easy and avoid strenuous activities while healing your mouth.

Avoiding spicy foods

This can cause your mouth to swell further and prolong your recovery.

Avoiding the use of alcohol-based mouthwashes

While they freshen your breath, they can slow the healing process.

Drinking plenty of water

This can help flush bacteria from your mouth, furthering the healing process.

Getting regular follow-up cleaning

These can aid in the long-term health of your teeth and gums.

Getting regular dental checkups

This can help your dentist identify potential problems before they become severe.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

The periodontal scaling and root planing procedure only take a short time, but you will likely experience some swelling, mild discomfort, and inconvenience while your mouth heals.

Depending on the severity and how you care for your mouth, this can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. You can expect your mouth to heal fully in a few days with minimal long-lasting side effects with proper rest and care.

While your gums will likely heal first, your teeth may take longer to recover. This is because the enamel and dentin are slower to heal than the gums. While your teeth may not be 100% back to normal immediately, they will continue to heal and recover over time.

What Is the Cost of Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing?

The cost of your scaling and root planing procedure depends on various factors, including the severity of your periodontal disease, dental plan type, and location. While exact pricing is challenging to predict, dental scaling and root planing are typically less expensive than other periodontal treatments.


Periodontal scaling and root planing help to maintain long-term dental health better. When performed correctly, it can help prevent gum disease and tooth decay and reduce the risk of tooth loss.

With all the information shared above, you can now decide if this procedure is right for you. With the help of this comprehensive guide, you have learned what periodontal scaling and root planing are, their benefits, who is a good candidate for it, how it is performed, what the aftercare instructions are, how long it takes to recover, and more.

Visit Your Dentist At Smile Line Dentistry So You Can Enjoy The Best Dental Care

Visit your dentist at Smile Line Dentistry. An excellent place to visit if you are looking for a dentist in the California area. Our clinics are conveniently located in Antioch and Livermore.

Smile Line Dentistry offers top-notch dental services. Our dentists are all professionals and are well-rounded about dental problems - from cavities to gum disease to taking out teeth.

We can take care of your needs with ease and grace. Another great thing about visiting Smile Line Dentistry is that you can enjoy some treats there! 

For more information about our doctors and staff, click here. Once you've decided to book an appointment with us, click here. We look forward to meeting you and giving you the best dental service in California! 

When it comes to teeth, most of us have a narrow view. We think of them as something only visible when we smile or speak. And while that’s true, there is so much more to our teeth than meets the eye. Unfortunately, some people discover this too late, when their teeth become exposed, and they are at risk for decay. Exposed roots are an unfortunate side effect of advanced gum disease (periodontal disease).

You should see your dentist immediately if you notice signs like bleeding gums, increased tooth sensitivity, or bad breath that doesn’t go away. If you know someone who is struggling with this condition or have been diagnosed yourself, read on to learn more about exposed roots and what they look like in different patients.

Teeth Roots Exposed: What's Going On?

Understanding exposed roots help to understand what teeth are made of and why roots become exposed. Most teeth have two parts: the crown that sits above your gums and the root that runs below your gum line. Teeth are connected to your gums by ligaments attached to the roots.

When dental plaque builds up, it can calcify and harden into tartar, which can cause gum disease. Periodontal disease causes the build-up of plaque and tartar below the gum line, damaging the ligaments that hold teeth in place.

If the gum disease is not treated, the ligaments deteriorate, and the tooth becomes loose due to root exposure. 

Recognizing When A Root Is Exposed

The first sign that a tooth root is exposed is a gum line that recedes further than usual. If you notice this, you should see your dentist as soon as possible to have it treated. The next sign of an exposed tooth root is the part of the tooth visible below the gum line.

This is usually a pink or red area that is slightly swollen. In more extreme cases, the tooth has broken through the gum, causing an open wound that leads to an exposed tooth root.

Typical Symptoms Of An Exposed Tooth Root

Bleeding Gums

Swollen gums, particularly those around exposed roots, are more likely to bleed, especially when you brush or floss. See your dentist immediately if you see red or pink gum tissue around an exposed tooth root that continues to bleed even after brushing.

Tooth Sensitivity

Exposed tooth roots are also more sensitive as they are less protected. If you notice this symptom and your tooth looks visibly swollen, it could result from an infection at the root. 

Bad Breath that Doesn’t Go Away

Advanced gum disease that leads to tooth root exposure can cause bacteria to collect inside the root and result in a bad breath that doesn’t go away with regular brushing and flossing.

Swelling in the Face

Gum disease is an inflammatory process that can lead to swelling in and around the face, including the roof of the mouth, cheeks, and eyes. This is a sign of very advanced periodontal disease.

Be On The Look Out For These Causes (and How to Avoid Them)!

The first step to preventing root exposure is brushing and flossing regularly. It's also important to get regular checkups so that gum disease can be caught early, ideally before it does any damage.

Although you can’t wholly avoid gum disease, some risk factors may increase your chances of developing it. Gum disease is more common in older people, smokers, people with diabetes, people taking certain medications (including antibiotics), and people with a weakened immune system.

When sensitivity around the tooth and gums is present, contact your dentist immediately for checking, as this is a sign of tooth root exposure.

Options For Fixing Your Exposed Tooth Root

If the gum disease is caught in its early stages and the exposed tooth root has not been broken through the gum, your dentist may be able to treat it with a root canal. But if the root has been exposed severely, your dentist may be able to use sutures to treat the wound and stop any bleeding.

If the tooth has been exposed for an extended period, it may be too far gone for easy treatment. In this case, your dentist might recommend extracting the tooth. If the tooth is still rooted but has had a root break, it can be treated by covering the exposed root with a filling.

If the exposed root has no soft tissue covering it to be treated, your dentist may place a root-form filling on it to seal off the root from bacteria.

When Roots Are Exposed Too Far For An Easy Fix

If the area under the gum has become so thin and there is no longer any place for the root to be covered, an exposed root can be treated with a gum graft. Gum grafts are complicated procedures and are best discussed with a dentist. Your dental provider will take a portion of a healthy gum from your mouth and graft it over the exposed tooth root to seal it. 

An Exposed Tooth Root Gets You To The Dentist; Now It's Your Turn To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

One of the best things you can do to prevent exposed roots is to practice good oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed at least twice daily, once in the morning and once before bed. It’s essential to brush your teeth for the right amount of time: at least two minutes.

Keep the bristles of your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against your teeth and gums when brushing. This allows you to clean more surface area than brushing straight with no extra force.

People with gum disease can reduce their risk of developing further pockets by brushing and flossing more frequently and visiting the dentist for regular examinations. Gum disease is painful and can lead to other serious health problems if left untreated, so it’s crucial to catch it early and get treatment as soon as possible.

Contact Smile Line Dentistry For Your Next Dental Visit

Our office is a full-service dental practice that provides care for children, teens, and adults. We are committed to providing personalized care in a welcoming, comfortable, and relaxing environment. First impressions count. Smile Line Dentistry strives to maintain a positive first impression with every visit.

We offer a warm welcome, clean facilities, and professional service from the moment you enter the door until you leave our office. We pride ourselves on providing exceptional patient care, and we're happy to answer any questions you may have about our practice or your treatment options.

When it comes to dental hygiene, regular visits to your dentist can help keep your teeth healthy. Missing just one appointment can cause problems down the road, so make sure you take care of yourself by scheduling regular checkups and staying on top of any problems as soon as they arise.

You know the importance of brushing your teeth and having good oral hygiene to avoid cavities. But did you know that cavities aren't just in your teeth?

Yes, even when you take care of your enamel, you can still end up with a cavity between your teeth. This has a technical term called an interproximal cavity. It forms like other cavities: when the enamel is worn away and bacteria are able to get into the tooth.

When this happens with your permanent teeth, it can cause tooth pain that you don't want to have to deal with, as well as other problems when the cavity penetrates into the bloodstream.

The Goal is to Keep Your Healthy Teeth Free From Decay

Preventive dentistry is the best way to make sure you don't end up with interproximal cavities and tooth decay. These tips will teach you how to recognize if you have the signs of a cavity in your teeth and how to prevent cavities in general.

Keep in mind that if you're concerned that you may have a cavity, you should contact your dentist early. The sooner the problem is taken care of, the less likely you'll need more serious fixes like a dental crown or root canal treatment.

Understand What a Cavity Is

You've been taught to brush your teeth since childhood to avoid cavities. But what exactly is this dental concern, anyway? And do you really need to floss?

A cavity is an easily preventable dental condition in which the hard surface of your teeth (the enamel) ends up with a tiny hole in it. This permanent damage is caused when the bacteria stick to the tooth.

Cavities Can Be Avoided With Regular Care

As you engage in frequent snacking, eat sugary foods or drink sugary drinks, and don't effectively clean right after, the food particles form dental plaque.

As plaque, bacteria sticks to the enamel and decays the tooth. If you don't remove decay fast, it turns into a hole that requires a large filling to fix it. However, if it's caught early, the enamel could be recalcified with fluoride gel.

Preventing a Cavity

The best way to prevent interproximal cavities and other cavity types, according to the American Dental Association, is to brush at least twice a day.

Use toothpaste with fluoride to get rid of the bacteria, and follow with flossing and a mouth rinse. Fluoride is a commonly added ingredient to most over-the-counter tooth products.

Tooth Sensitivity? Stop What You're Doing and Check Your Technique

If you notice tooth sensitivity, you could be using the wrong brush. Always use a soft-bristled toothbrush unless your dentist recommends otherwise. Brush your teeth in a circular pattern, and include your gums to prevent gum disease.

Habits Are Important, Too

Flossing is important since interproximal cavities form between the teeth, and the floss and mouthwash get up in those hard-to-reach places.

Avoid sugary snacks and drinks, quit habits like using tobacco, and head to your dentist during office hours for preventative cleanings. If you need professional help quitting bad habits, your primary doctor can provide medical advice.

Recognize the Symptoms of Interproximal Cavities

If you're concerned that something isn't quite right, but you're not sure what's going on with your teeth, look for these symptoms to guide you:

Head to the Dentist Before You Think You Have a Cavity

So how can you avoid interproximal cavities between two teeth or cavities in general? The best thing to do is to seek out preventative care at least every six months, according to the American Dental Association.

Professional cleanings and dental exams help catch problems early, before cavities can form. And if you do need a filling, the dentist can use a variety of metal alloys to solve minor issues.

Prevention or Early Care, Either Way is a Good Reason to Visit the Dentist

Interproximal cavities form when bacteria is ignored and allowed to run rampant. Head to your dentist for routine visits, and call for an urgent appointment if you think you may have an interproximal cavity or any other dental issues.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking precautionary actions are critical. Because the dentist is an important element of healthcare, if you don't have regular dental exams, you're missing out on an important part of your general health.

Because they do not have access to high-quality dental care, many people put off visiting the dentist until something goes wrong.

Sedation dentistry is frequently required at this point to restore a patient's dental health.

Defining the Terms in Sedation Dentistry

Sedation is a medical term that refers to any treatment that is designed to promote a state of calm in patients. Sedation techniques employed in each profession are frequently the same.

They can range from general anesthesia to mild sedation that keeps the patient awake and alert to profound sedation that completely sedates the patient. It all depends on the surgery.

Why Sedation is Necessary

If you are having dental treatment, your dentist may recommend sedation. Sedation is not required for every treatment. It is a painless and effective solution in the event of discomfort or agony.

Without Sedatives, You Could Injure Yourself

In the absence of anesthesia, your natural tendency is to jerk and pull away, making the dentist's job more difficult and perhaps dangerous to you.

The Basics of Sedation

Your dentist will go over the various sedation dentistry alternatives with you. The level of sedation you need will depend on your medical history and the dental procedures you're having done.

Additionally, dentists must receive additional training to give sedation when a topical anesthetic is insufficient.

Sedation: Unconscious vs. Conscious

Because of myths and misunderstandings, the majority of people fear sedation. Dental sedation can be used for a lot of different things, so let's look at some of them.

Local Anesthesia

A local anesthetic is the initial level of sedation that dentists consider. Some dental problems, such as cavities, crown placement or modification, root planing and scaling, or root planing and scaling, may necessitate this treatment.

With a local anesthetic, you can remain awake and alert. It numbs the affected region while you work on it. The numbness usually lasts between 30 minutes and an hour.

Topical or Injectable Applications

The two most popular ways of administration are a topical gel applied to the gums or an injection into the gum region. When you're numb, it's time to start making dentist appointments.

General Anesthesia

When a patient requires a higher level of pain control or has dental phobias, general anesthesia may be used. Anesthesia dentistry employs a type of sedation in which the patient is fully oblivious to what is happening around them.

Dentists typically suggest this form of anesthesia for extensive procedures and precision dental work. People who have dental work done while they are asleep can get it done in a reasonable amount of time.

General anesthesia may be required for other dental operations as well. General anesthesia may be required for a variety of reasons, such as if you have a medical condition that prevents you from taking other types of drugs.

Types of General Anesthesia

For most general anesthetic treatments, dentists can provide IV sedation or a face mask. Anesthesia is monitored and maintained as the process advances. A one-of-a-kind breathing tube will be utilized to assist you to relax and fall asleep in the dentist's chair.

For treatments such as wisdom tooth extraction and tooth extraction, general anesthesia is routinely employed.

Is General Anesthesia the Best Option in Your Case?

Patients suffering from neurological issues, acid reflux, or organ dysfunction should not be sedated in this manner. Tell your dentist if you've ever had an allergic reaction to anesthesia so that the dosage can be adjusted accordingly.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

This approach is preferred to IV mild seclusion since it is taken orally rather than intravenously. When patients are afraid or don't want to use an IV, dentists often use laughing gas for oral sedation.

Using a face mask, inhale nitrous oxide and oxygen. The gas balance is maintained throughout the treatment to keep you unconscious. If the anesthesia wears off too quickly due to your low pain tolerance, the dentist will use more laughing gas.

The vast majority of patients are unaware that they have had surgery until it is completed. They may feel tired or lose consciousness shortly after inhaling the laughing gas. When you cease breathing it in, the gas loses its potency, and you regain your awareness.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedatives may be an option if you are nervous about the procedure or the operation itself. These sedatives will keep you asleep for a lengthy time, allowing the dentist to complete the procedure.

Dentists frequently administer Halcion, a valium-like medication. You will be given your oral medication one hour before your treatment. You'll feel utterly drowsy and relaxed in a matter of minutes. You will, however, be able to react to requests and instructions.

Oral sedative drugs provide a slight level of relaxation and pain alleviation. Oral conscious sedation is an excellent option for many dental procedures, including root canals. It does not wear off as soon as other anesthetics, like laughing gas. After the procedure, you may require the assistance of another person to drive you home from the dentist's office.

IV Sedation

Of all the types of sedation, IV administration is immune to all but the most heinous crimes. The sedatives administered by IV drip are the same as those administered orally. Because moderate sedation isn't enough to keep you from having dental anxiety or having a weak gag reflex, you should get a lot of it to make sure that doesn't happen.

After you fall asleep, the dentist will check your vital signs and make any changes to your medicine that are needed.

Call to Schedule a Consultation to Discuss Your Options

You should not jeopardize your dental health because you are terrified of sedation dentistry. Contact your dentist to learn more about the many types of anesthetics available to you.

It's crucial to remember that the level of sedation you require is determined by a number of factors. It's easy to become caught up in "worst-case scenario" scenarios when you don't have to.

When you come in, you are welcome to bring a list of questions and concerns with you. This isn't the first time something like this has happened!

Our Dentistry Procedures Are Safe and Approved

It has been approved by the FDA and the American Dental Association for nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and any medicine you may be provided during your treatment. Because your needs are unique, the type you get will be made to meet your needs in terms of health, operation, and insurance.

You can trust us to give you the safest and most comfortable dental care.

When it comes to taking care of your oral health, our primary goal is to offer you the most comfortable and pain-free experience possible. With just one phone call to our office, you may get anything from preventative care to emergency care.

Periodontists treat their patients with the most conservative measures possible, but sometimes surgery is necessary to facilitate oral health and aesthetics. Some of the reasons your periodontist may recommend gum surgery include:

Did you know…

that your jaw bone and gums should naturally hug the roots of each tooth, encircling the base of the crown to hold it in place? But when gum disease is allowed to progress, the gums can recede and begin to create ‘pockets’ around the teeth that will only become deeper with time. As bacteria proliferate in these pockets, patients experience further bone and tissue loss. Gum surgery is often the most conservative solution for patients with advanced gum disease – otherwise leaving the option of eventually having the teeth extracted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for gum surgery?

Gum surgery may be right for you if you need crown lengthening for a restoration, you want to cosmetically enhance your gum line, or you have 3mm or greater pockets around your teeth due to periodontal disease. To find out more about gum surgery and your options for treatment, schedule an appointment with your periodontist.

What should I expect during a gum surgery?

Gum surgery is an in-office procedure performed under local anesthesia. Most patients feel no discomfort during the procedure, and you may be under mild sedation for its duration.

Will I need to follow any special instructions following my gum surgery?

Although the surgery itself should not be uncomfortable, you will experience sore and swollen gums in the days immediately following the procedure. Use a cold pack to reduce swelling in the hours after the treatment, and consume only a soft diet for the first few days after the procedure. Your periodontist may prescribe pain medication as well as antibiotics to ensure your recovery is free of complication. Be sure to keep the surgical site clean, and schedule a time to return to your periodontist’s office if you have sutures that need to be removed.

Botox injections are used not only for therapeutic purposes but for cosmetic ones too. Unlike other fillers, which are superficially injected just beneath the skin, Botox is injected directly into the muscle. Because Botox is made of a neurotoxin, it blocks signals between the muscle and the brain, ultimately preventing muscle contraction in a localized area. When the muscle relaxes, wrinkles smooth out and soften. Performed correctly, these injections only affect targeted muscles while still allowing for facial expression. Botox can be used for any type of wrinkle that has not been caused by sun damage or stretching of the skin due to gravity. Results are usually best on expression lines, such as those around the eyes and forehead.

Did you know…

that 11 million women have undergone Botox? In fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that it is the most common cosmetic treatment requested in America, with numbers at an all-time high. More than a million treatments are performed every year, and it isn’t just the rich and famous indulging in the liquid facelift. People of all economic backgrounds get Botox because of its affordability.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for Botox treatments?

If you are between the ages of 18 and 65, consult with your dermatologist to find out if Botox is right for you. The best candidates for cosmetic Botox treatments are usually men and women bothered by facial lines and wrinkles – particularly those along the forehead and between the eyes. You should not get Botox injections if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you suffer from any type of neurological disease.

What should I expect when getting Botox?

Botox injections are in-office procedures performed in just a few minutes. In fact, you can schedule a Botox injection for your lunch hour or on your way home from work. Injections use a very fine needle, which is inserted into the facial muscles. There is very little discomfort during the injection, and anesthesia is necessary.

Are there any special instructions I will need to follow after getting Botox?

There is a minimal recovery period of approximately 48 hours after getting Botox. During this time, you may experience bruising or headaches. Avoid rubbing your face in areas treated with Botox, and do not lie down for the first few hours after the injections. Keep in mind that results from Botox – though significant – usually begin to fade within 4 to 6 months. You’ll need to return for retreatment periodically.

Botox – the cosmetic formulation frequently used to help smooth lines and wrinkles – is effective in the treatment of chronic migraine headaches. Millions of Americans suffer from migraine headaches, many of which are debilitating. As an alternative to pain medications, which provide only temporary relief, Botox that is given at regular intervals, a few times a year, can reduce the frequency and intensity of future headaches over time.

Did you know?

Pain relieving medications have long been the standard of managing chronic headaches and migraines. But did you know that Botox has been approved for the prevention of chronic migraines by the Food and Drug Administration? The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence conducted controlled trials to test the efficacy of Botox for migraine headaches in comparison to placebos. In each trial, Botox significantly out-performed the placebo, producing a noticeable reduction in headache frequency.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have chronic migraines. Am I a candidate for Botox treatment?

Botox is generally not the first line of treatment for migraine headaches. Instead, it is reserved for patients who have been unresponsive to headache medications. You may be a candidate for Botox for migraines if you have headaches on at least 15 days each month, with more than half of them being migraines. The only way to know for sure if Botox could help alleviate your headaches is by scheduling a consultation with your doctor.

What should I expect during a migraine Botox treatment?

Your Botox treatments will be administered in your doctor’s office. Most sessions take only 5 to 10 minutes, during which time a fine needle is used to inject small amounts of Botox into 7 key areas of the head. There is a total of 31 injections, which may induce mild discomfort. You’ll be allowed to return home the same day and resume normal activities soon after.

What types of results can I expect after getting Botox for my headaches?

Botox can provide significant pain relief for chronic headaches, but results vary from person to person. Keep in mind that it may take several weeks and more than one treatment before your headaches begin responding to Botox injections. Botox is not effective for the treatment of existing headaches.

Dental appliances are a valuable tool in your practice. You use them to repair and protect the teeth, and perhaps to help patients with sleep disorders. Both you and your patients rely on appliances to perform as intended. You don’t have time for delays or remakes; you expect consistent and reliable results, time after time.

When you choose our lab, you are choosing to work with a highly professional, full-service team that can provide you with custom-crafted orthodontic appliances that are comfortable, well-made, and fabricated according to your specifications.

Our technicians can produce a wide range of dental appliances, including:

When you need appliances that fit your patients the first time, choose the team here at our dental lab to assist you in the design and fabrication process. We take pride in our quality of work and enjoy providing dentists with appliance solutions that are easy-to-wear and easy to care for. Call us today for more information about the types of appliances we can produce for your practice.

We look forward to serving you soon.

At Smile Line Dentistry, we take a comprehensive approach to patient care, offering our patients the latest in BOTOX® & Dermal Filler dental therapeutic treatments. Today facial injectables are widely used to alleviate TMD, facial pain and number of other dental related issues. Experienced in an extensive range of dental procedures, Dr. Mandeep Sidhu is highly skilled and trained to perform non-invasive injectables to treat facial muscles and structures in and around the mouth. In addition, BOTOX® & Dermal Filler dental treatments often have a dual benefit, offering patients therapeutic care while also providing aesthetic results.


Dentists are trained to anesthetize cranial nerves in the head and neck that are critically sensitive, more so than the nerves treated with BOTOX®. A dentist seeks to optimize the results of any cosmetic or restorative dental procedure, and Dr. Sidhu considers the benefits of facial injectables for the most comprehensive approach to your customized treatment plan. Who has more knowledge or training of the oral maxillofacial areas and experience giving painless injections than a dentist? Arguably there is no one more qualified to offer BOTOX® and filler treatments.

Experience these Dental Advantages at Smile Line Dentistry:
BOTOX® Therapeutic

BOTOX® is used to remedy a number of dental issues, such as facial pain, jaw tension, angular cheilitis and facial muscle spasms.  TMJ disorder, teeth clenching, and teeth grinding (Bruxism), can cause pain and discomfort, disrupting daily life.  Quick and painless BOTOX® injections deliver targeted treatment to relax the muscles that control the jaw, preventing wear on teeth and alleviating facial pain. TMJ BOTOX treatments also have an aesthetic effect of naturally slimming the face, narrowing the appearance of a square or wide jaw. Upper face areas can also be treated with BOTOX®  to help with tension headaches and facial pain that are often times associated with TMD. Treating these areas will also help reduce the signs of aging that come from heavy contraction of muscles.

Do you suffer from Bruxism (teeth grinding) or another TMJ condition?

BOTOX ® is a proven alternative to help you alleviate symptoms and provide instant relief.

Many patients see their dentist with complaints of jaw or facial pain. In many cases, this pain is caused by either bruxism (teeth grinding) or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, which are related conditions.

TMJ disorders refer to a collection of jaw problems that may be treated by a dentist. The jaw joint is a complex one, with a number of structures that facilitate vertical and lateral movements. Problems may develop in the numerous muscles, ligaments and nerves that help the joint perform correctly. A misaligned jaw can also lead to TMJ disorder.

Do you suffer from Bruxism (teeth grinding) or another TMJ condition?

BOTOX ® is a proven alternative to help you alleviate symptoms and provide instant relief.

Many patients see their dentist with complaints of jaw or facial pain. In many cases, this pain is caused by either bruxism (teeth grinding) or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, which are related conditions.

Symptoms of TMJ disorders:

The BOTOX® alternative treatment for TMJ disorders and jaw tension is usually quick and effective.

Who is a candidate for BOTOX® Jaw Treatment?

BOTOX® is a safe alternative treatment for most people who experience jaw tension or have a TMJ disorder. This treatment helps to alleviate pain from many joint and muscle spasms associated with TMJ.

What are the Benefits of BOTOX® Treatment for Jaw Tension?

BOTOX® injections often provide substantial relief while reducing the ability of facial muscles to engage in problematic, excessive grinding.

BOTOX® allows muscles to perform daily activities such as talking, chewing, and swallowing. In addition, the treatment can help safeguard dental health, since excessive grinding can result in worn teeth and damaged gums that may require costly treatment.

How long does the TMJ BOTOX® treatment take?

The TMJ BOTOX® treatment is a non-surgical procedure performed in our dental office that takes just a few minutes.

How long do results last?

Most patients experience noticeable improvement within 1-2 days of their first treatment, although relief can take up to a week. Results last 3-4 months.

What are the benefits of the BOTOX® Bruxism Treatment?

Bruxism is a specific condition in which people grind or clench their teeth, often while sleeping (most do so involuntarily). Grinding or clenching causes the muscle to grow stronger, resulting in headaches, earaches, or facial pain, which worsen with time.

BOTOX® treatments have been shown to alleviate Bruxism. BOTOX® Bruxism treatment works by relaxing the jaw muscle sufficiently to reduce grinding symptoms while maintaining normal jaw and teeth action.

Besides relief from jaw pain, tension and headaches, patients see a dramatic change in appearance after 2-3 sessions of BOTOX® treatments. The square, heavy appearance of their lower face softens into a more narrow and esthetically pleasing one.

BOTOX®  for Gummy Smiles

Gummy smile refers to the excessive display of gum tissue when smiling, often considered unattractive.

What causes a gummy smile?
What are the benefits of the Gummy Smile BOTOX® treatment?

An injection of BOTOX® above the upper lip reduces the lifting action of lip muscles, thus reducing the display of gum tissues. Treatments provide patients with a more aesthetic and beautiful smile.

How long do treatments last?

Treatments are painless and take 2-5 minutes. The results can last between 3-4 months.

Dermal Fillers

As our skin ages, it gradually loses its major constituents: Collagen, Elastin and Hyaluronic Acid.  Collagen acts as the major support protein for our skin, elastin allows our skin to stay firm, and hyaluronic acid helps to trap water and add volume to our skin - keeping collagen and elastin moist.  Since Hyaluronic Acid is a primary component of healthy skin, naturally diminishing levels associated with age result in dryness, reduced flexibility, and facial volume deficiencies.

Smile Line Dentistry provides Juvéderm™ treatments to restore perioral volume loss and sagging and depressions in the skin that can lead to angular cheilitis. Angular cheilitis is a common inflammatory condition affecting the corners of the mouth or oral commissures when skin breaks down due to the aging process.

Juvéderm™ is a smooth consistency gel made of hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance in your skin.Dermal Fillers can be used to volumize lips, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, corners of mouth, filling interdental papilla (the small gap between adjacent teeth), and to correct smile asymmetries.

Who Should Consider Facial Injectables?

Minimally invasive injectables are becoming an increasingly popular remedy for the appearance of aging skin. However, many people may not be aware of their other uses. Candidates for injectable treatments include:

Anesthetic Options

One of the many advantages of treatments in our dental office is the use of multiple anesthetic options.  Patient comfort is important to us. For this reason, we offer prescription strength numbing cream and ice that can be applied to areas prior to treatments. We offer a modified dental block for painless injections in sensitive areas such as the lips. Dr. Sidhu can also perform this procedure with lidocaine diluted within the filler, providing maximum patient comfort every time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are treatments painless?

Dental Practitioners are experts in injections and anesthetic techniques resulting in minimal discomfort for pain-free treatments.

How long will results last?

Depending on the area treated, Juvéderm™ results typically last from 6 months to 1 year. BOTOX ® can last 3-4 months, sometimes longer.

How long do treatments take?

Procedures are brief and only take approximately 10-30 minutes depending on treatment(s).They can be done during routine dental appointments, with no downtime.

Are BOTOX® and Dermal Filler treatments safe?

BOTOX® is one of the safest cosmetic procedures available and its use has a history of more than 20 years. Only a small amount is needed to produce optimal results. Juvéderm™ is a hyaluronic acid, which is produced naturally in your own body. During your consultation, Dr. Sidhu will review your options, including any possible contraindications.

International Academy of Facial Aesthetics

Dr. Mandeep Sidhu is certified through one of the country’s leading facial injectable training programs for dental practitioners, DentaSpa Seminars. Dr. Sidhu is also a member of the International Academy of Facial Aesthetics (IAFA), whereshe continues to stay up-to-speed with the latest advances and techniques within the facial injectables industry.  Having access to new innovations, advanced techniques, comprehensive training courses, and cutting-edge products, Dr. Sidhu is one of the most qualified practitioners to offer facial injectable treatments for the face and oral-maxillofacial area. As a member of the IAFA, Dr. Sidhu is committed to education and excellence in patient care. As a patient, you can feel safe and know that she has gone beyond acquiring complete education in the field and is also dedicated to her continued growth in dentistry.


We are dedicated to meeting your aesthetic goals. During your consultation, Dr. Sidhu will ascertain your needs and answer any questions you may have regarding treatments. With Dr. Sidhu's extensive knowledge of head and neck anatomy and structure, you can feel assured that you are receiving the most complete evaluation and best treatment plan to provide you with optimal results.

Walk Out of Our Office with another reason to smile

By combining BOTOX® or Filler treatments as part of your dental treatment plan, Dr. Sidhu can create the optimal therapeutic and aesthetic outcome for your restorative dental care.

If you are seeking whole-mouth dental care, then turn to the best in the business:
Dr. Mandeep (Mona) Sidhu at Smile Line Dentistry

Call us at 925-754-1661 and schedule a consultation.

TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint, which is the bone structure, muscles and connective tissues that surround the jaw and control chewing. When patients experience disorders of this joint, they are said to have a temporomandibular joint disorder or TMD. Symptoms of TMD include pain and tenderness near the jaw, as well as popping or clicking in the joint when speaking or chewing. There are many ways of treating TMJ disorders, ranging from non-invasive therapy and bite splints to injections or surgery. Left untreated, however, TMJ disorders can lead to headaches, muscle pain, malocclusion and tooth damage from grinding or clenching.


Did you know…

that TMD alone is not a disorder, but instead a collection of disorders that affect the temporomandibular joint? It is the second most common pain-causing musculoskeletal condition in the U.S. according to the U.S. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, as many as 12 percent of Americans may suffer from some type of TMD, with women twice as likely to be affected than men. But despite the prevalence and wide availability of treatment, only one out every three people with TMD fails to seek treatment.


Frequently Asked Questions


How do I know if TMJ treatment is right for me?

You will first need to be formally examined and diagnosed with TMJ disorder. You dentist will evaluate the extent of the condition and determine what course of treatment is best for you. Usually, the initial approach involves conservative treatments, such as self-care, physical therapy and bite guards. Medications may also be used to relax the jaw or relieve pain. Patients who do not respond to conservative treatments may be considered for surgery or joint injections.

What should I expect if I undergo treatment for TMJ

TMJ treatment varies from patient to patient, so your experience may be very different than someone else’s. You’ll probably be asked to adopt certain lifestyle changes to help facilitate rehabilitation in your jaw. For example, you may be asked to avoid sudden jaw movements, such as yelling or yawning. You may also need to begin sleeping on your back and take steps to reduce your stress levels.

Will I need to follow any special post-care instructions while being treated for TMJ?

Your post-treatment care instructions will vary according to the type of treatment you receive. If you undergo an aggressive treatment, such as surgery, you may be temporarily subject to an all-liquid diet. You’ll also need to apply ice to the face to minimize swelling and also keep the surgical site clean and dry.

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We are proud to provide our patients with the best in dental technology, treatment options and patient comfort. It is our pleasure to address all your questions and concerns.

Smile Line Antioch:
3220 Lone Tree Way, Ste. 102 
Antioch, CA 94509
Mon - Thu: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: Appointment Only
Smile Line East Ave, Livermore:
2545 East Ave Suite A, 
Livermore, CA 94550
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM -5:00 PM
Saturday: Appointment Only
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